Now every time you wine and dine, or enjoy a stay at Piersland House, you can earn points to redeem against a future experience. You can register on this website or download Inspire Loyalty app to create a digital card. You’ll receive 300 points on registration to get you started.
How It Works
Spend £1 on accommodation (best available rates only), food and beverage and you will earn four loyalty points. Please present your loyalty card or digital card to reception on settlement of invoice. Points are awarded by presenting your card or app when paying your bill. The more points you earn, the more you can redeem from our online vouchers section towards a memorable experience.
You’re In For A Treat
You can redeem points earned in exchange for a Piersland Rewards voucher code, delivered by email directly to your registered email address. Just browse over the rewards available and when you have earned enough points, choose your desired voucher. Minimum 500 point redemption applies to your first order.
Book Direct
Once you are a registered member of Piersland Rewards you can access exclusive member rate when you book direct at After loyalty registration, just select your preferred dates, click Book Now and Save and enter your membership card number or registered email address to access our exclusive member rate.